DO Well® Blog

Can The Brain Recover From Trauma

Written by DO Well | Oct 11, 2023

Is it possible for the human brain to heal and recover from the scars of trauma?

What role does neuroscience play in understanding the brain's capacity to bounce back from traumatic experiences?

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Healing the brain after trauma. . . Is it really possible?

Let's take a minute to chat about something really cool – our brains! And, how they deal with tough times.

Even after facing the darkest storms, our minds find a way to shine again. 

Imagine dropping a vase. Crash! It's in pieces.. .

Now, think of trauma as that crash in our minds. Sometimes, life gets messy, and our brain feels so shattered. 

But what if I told you that your brain is like a superhero? It has the power to heal and become whole again.

It's like that comeback story everyone loves!  Let's get into this journey!


The Unseen Scars: PTSD and the Brain

Ever had a bad day? I mean, a really. . , really bad one?

We all had those, right? The ones that feel like a super gloomy cloud is following us around. . . That's kind of what trauma feels like, only it sticks around for a bit longer. 

It’s like having a papercut. It's tiny and seemingly insignificant, but oh boy, does it sting! 

Similarly, not all injuries to our brain are physical, where you can point and say, "Look, there's the damage!" Some are silent and unseen but deeply felt. 

That's what happens with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It's not about visible injuries like when there's a bleed or significant visible damage. PTSD is all about the emotional and mental aftershocks that echo long after a traumatic event.

Researchers, armed with MRIs, went on a quest to understand the brain's landscape after trauma. What they found was that PTSD doesn't just linger in the mind as memories or feelings. It physically affects our brain.


Where Trauma Hits the Hardest

Let's peek inside our heads for a second. We're not talking about when someone's brain gets a bump, like in an accident. Nope! We're diving deep into the parts that deal with feelings, memories, and choices.

Imagine our brain as a bustling city with different districts:

  • Frontal Lobe – It's like the town hall. Decisions get made here, from choosing socks to picking your favorite candy.

  • Amygdala – Picture this as the city's alarm center, always watching out and ready to ring the bells if something's up.

  • Hippocampus – The city's library, filled with all our memories.

When trauma knocks on our brain's door, it can shuffle things around quite a bit. 

The Frontal Lobe, our command center for decision-making and impulse control, might get a tad foggy, making clear choices and holding back sudden reactions trickier. 

Meanwhile, the Amygdala, which acts like our emotional alarm bell, can become hyper-sensitive. It's like turning up the volume, making fear and emotional responses louder and sometimes, overwhelming. 

As for the Hippocampus, our memory keeper, trauma can sometimes make it drop its books. This means memories might get a little muddled, and recalling them can become challenging. 


The Incredible Resilience of Our Brain

Have you ever marveled at how incredibly adaptive our brains are? Here's something that might blow your mind.

Our brains have a super trick: plasticity

Think of it like play-dough. Our brains can mold and change. So, even if our frontal lobe is a bit off-course, with practice and learning, we can get the captain back in charge!

Recent studies on brain plasticity (that's just a word for how moldable our brain is) have found a silver lining when parts of our brain face challenges. For example, when the hippocampus (our memory keeper) faces damage, other parts of the brain can step in and build new circuits to compensate. It's like when one musician in a band can't play, another steps in to cover their part.


Brain Magic In Action

Let me share a heart-tugging story to illustrate this:

A few years back. . , my young son had a nasty fall. 

Picture this: a 10-year-old kid toppling face-first onto hard ceramic. The impact gave him a severe concussion, so severe that in the days following the incident, his memories got jumbled. He forgot he spoke two languages, couldn't remember his math, and even his ABCs. 

Can you imagine? Returning to school, not recalling how to speak in French or solve basic sums. That's traumatic, right?

But here's where the magic of resilience shines through. 

We buckled down and worked with him. We sang, danced, practiced, and, well. . , basically immersed him in learning

And guess what? Fast forward six years, and that little boy, now a teen, has caught up academically. Not just caught up, he's excelling and even eyeing university!

Sure, six years might sound long. But in the grand tapestry of life, it's a mere blip. The most important thing is, he bounced back, ready to embrace the vast expanse of adulthood ahead. 

It's a testament to how our brains, even when faced with setbacks in memory, emotion, or decision-making, have this beautiful capacity to recover and thrive.


In a Nutshell

In a nutshell, our brains are the unsung heroes of our stories. They grow, heal, and leap back into action. . , scars and all. It can change and grow every day based on what we see, feel, and think.

So trauma's like that pesky pothole on a road. But can we fix it? Oh, absolutely!

  • The town hall, our frontal lobe: If it's slacking off, we can challenge it with puzzles and tasks. It's like teaching it to dance!

  • The alarm center, our amygdala: Sometimes, it's way too noisy. But with techniques (like the DOer's reset), we can dial it down.

  • The library, our hippocampus: Even if a few books go missing, our brain finds new stories to replace them.

If life throws some curveballs your way, just remember that you've been through tough times and “ it's okay ”. Your brain is on your side

Give it time, love, and maybe some brain-teasing puzzles, and watch it bloom.

Even when it feels shattered, it can rebuild, piece by piece. . . 

We just have to believe in its superpowers and help it along the way. It's ready for the next chapter.


Closing Thoughts

Thanks for joining me on this brainy adventure! If you know someone struggling with trauma, share this story with them. It might just light up their day. 

And if you're curious to explore more on this topic and dive deeper into the brain's resilience, grab a copy of "Put That Stuff Down 2." In it, you may want to check chapters 1 and 5, which delve into the science and facts of trauma and the brain. It's a treasure trove of knowledge, tips, and tales of triumph.


Click Here to Get Your Copy of "Put That Stuff Down 2 "


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