DO Well® Blog

The Unseen Link: Trauma, Stress, and Clutter

Written by DO Well | Aug 23, 2023

Can Psychological Trauma Transform Physical Clutter into a Mirror of the Mind?

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The Unseen Link: Trauma, Stress, and Clutter

Hello, readers. I'm JM Tetreault, a proud military veteran who has committed much of my life post-service to helping my brothers and sisters in arms navigate the treacherous waters of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Our shared experiences in service create bonds unlike any other, and it's those bonds that drove me to better understand and help address the invisible wounds many of us carry.

As I immersed myself deeper into PTSD research and therapy, a fascinating and unexpected connection emerged – the surprising link between psychological trauma and the physical clutter in our lives. And it's this unique relationship that I want to explore with you today.

The Ripple Effect of Trauma

Before we get into the heart of the matter, it's crucial we understand trauma's influence on our lives. Traumatic experiences fundamentally alter our brain structure and function, like dropping a stone into a calm pond - the ripples spread far and wide, disrupting what was once peaceful.

These disruptions often manifest as heightened stress levels, which can pile up and dominate our lives, creating new neural links and altering how our brain perceives and responds to fear. It's a complex and intricate dance, and it all begins with cortisol, the so-called "stress hormone."

The Cortisol Rollercoaster

Under normal circumstances, stress is an essential response to danger, but when it doesn't diminish after the threat is gone, problems arise.

Usually, cortisol, our stress-response hormone, rises and falls in a well-balanced cycle throughout the day. During the day, cortisol levels climb to keep us alert and ready to face whatever life throws our way. Then, as night descends, cortisol levels drop, allowing us to relax, recharge, and, quite literally, de-stress.

Waking up refreshed and calm isn't just a luxury - it's a biological necessity. It's your body's way of saying, "All systems are good to go!"

However, traumatic events can throw this elegant balance off kilter. Instead of allowing cortisol levels to drop and stress levels to fall at the end of the day, trauma keeps them elevated. This results in heightened stress levels that persist long into the night, robbing us of the rest and relaxation our bodies and minds so desperately need.

And you might be wondering.. How does this lead to clutter?


The Invisible Battle of Clutter

The answer lies in the silent battle we're all fighting every day – the quest for peace and tranquility.


When cortisol levels remain stubbornly high, the body finds itself perpetually on high alert, making tranquility a distant mirage. And as this serene state evades us, the mental lucidity necessary for orchestrating and decluttering our living spaces also remains elusive.


The seemingly simple act of decluttering requires calm, focused attention, which is in short supply when stress levels are stuck at an all-time high. As a result, physical clutter begins to accumulate, like the mental clutter created by unresolved trauma.


… Picture your mind as a well-organized room; everything has its place, and there's a sense of harmony and control ..,


Now, imagine a traumatic event like a whirlwind, tossing everything into chaos. Items are strewn everywhere.., 


..and suddenly, nothing makes sense anymore.


That's precisely what happens in our mind when trauma strikes.


As long as the mind remains a battlefield, any decluttering efforts may feel like fighting a losing war.


The Connection between Stress and Clutter


We all have those moments when life gets so busy that our surroundings begin to reflect the chaos within us…


A cluttered desk here…a disorganized kitchen there… - it's normal. 


However, when trauma-induced stress keeps our cortisol levels high, this clutter doesn't just pile up; it takes root.


What was once a minor inconvenience now becomes a stubborn problem. You clear a shelf one day, only to find it cluttered again the next.

For this reason, you don't have to beat yourself up on those days when you summon the energy to declutter an area in your house, only to find it just as disorganized a week later.


This does not necessarily mean a lack of effort or commitment. Rather, it's an outward reflection of the internal turbulence riddled with anxiety and fear in your mind.


In this state, the clutter outside becomes a mirror of the clutter within.


The Fear of Emptiness


As we continue this journey, we encounter another unexpected roadblock: The aversion to emptiness.


Another puzzling phenomenon that we discovered in our research is that many who suffer from trauma-related stress develop a fear of emptiness or void.


This fear, though less recognizable, is significant.


You see, decluttering creates space...


..Empty spaces.




In the aftermath of trauma, the sudden empty spaces can spark a sense of fear and unease.


.,Every empty shelf, every cleared drawer becomes a reminder of the void within.


This subconscious connection between emptiness and fear creates resistance to decluttering, sometimes resulting in a rebound of clutter.


So, what seems like a straightforward task of cleaning and organizing becomes fraught with anxiety, reinforcing the cycle of clutter.


The Frontal Lobe Connection


As explained by Dr. Lawrence in an enlightening interview, PTSD can affect the frontal lobe of the brain, where executive functions such as organization and self-care reside.


When the frontal lobe's executive functions falter due to trauma, our organizational skills decline. Our self-care deteriorates, leading to a cascade of clutter.


Clutter, in this context, isn't just a symptom; it's a direct manifestation of an internal struggle.


Trauma wears many masks


..,It can show up as flashbacks, anxiety, or a sense of detachment from reality.


Understanding this intimate relationship between trauma, stress, and clutter is not merely academic.


It's personal.


It's real.


It's a journey...


Road Towards Healing


We've also looked at how a trauma-altered mind can hold us back from decluttering our spaces and, in essence, our lives.


But it's not all doom and gloom, 


In understanding, lies the power to change.


Recognizing the invisible strings that connect our clutter to our past traumas can be the first step towards the next chapter. 


It's about knowing that it's not 'just clutter.' It's a physical manifestation of an internal turmoil, an outward sign of an inward struggle.


A Heartfelt Thank You 


Thank you, dear readers, for taking the time to learn about this unseen link with me. 


If you're someone who's struggling with clutter stemming from trauma, know that your journey towards a clutter-free life begins with acknowledging the underlying trauma.


Healing takes time, patience, and self-compassion


If you are someone who's experienced trauma, understand that your journey doesn't stop here.


Furthermore, for those of you who are now ready to  venture towards a decluttered life, our forthcoming video serves as a handy guide to kickstart this life-altering expedition.


Here's to turning understanding into action, and chaos into order…


And here's to you, the brave souls on the path towards decluttering success…


Thank you for joining me today and see you in our next blog..