DO Well® Blog

Factors Inducing Clutter: Why We Struggle to Keep Things Organized

Written by DO Well | Oct 21, 2023

Have you ever found yourself struggling to have an organizational system to keep your home from being cluttered?

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The constant battle against clutter - a relatable struggle for many of us.

No matter how hard you try, that clutter-free home seems like a distant dream.

Through a lot of life changes, many of us wrestle with the idea of keeping our spaces clean and tidy. . .

Whether it's your messy room, overflowing inbox or chaotic work desk, clutter seems to follow us everywhere we go. No matter how hard we try to get rid of it, it always manages to find its way back into our lives.

But have you ever stopped and wondered why that is? Why do we struggle so much?

In this blog, we'll explore the various factors that induce clutter and how we can combat them to achieve a more organized and stress-free life.


Why Your Space is Constantly a Mess

Ever been hit with a wave of nostalgia just by looking at an old photo or other sentimental items? That’s because our things aren't just things.

They're tied to memories, feelings, and even past versions of ourselves.

Imagine that - you open your storage space: every knick-knack, every dusty book, every piece of old clothing can quickly lead to being a mini time capsule.

But here’s the catch: sometimes, there's just too much stuff going on.

When clutter piles up, it's no longer just about poor storage. When everything you own is screaming for attention and triggering a dozen emotions, it's like a computer having too many browser tabs open. You're bound to crash or, at the very least, slow down a bit. It becomes the root cause of you feeling overwhelmed.

Now, consider your day-to-day life. We all get swamped with emotions, right? It's as if every little piece of clutter is like a tiny emotion-activator. The more you have, the more decluttering feels like a daunting task. These emotional attachments don’t just affect you; they trickle down to your relationships with family members, your friends, and even that neighbor you chat with during your morning walks.


Understanding the Roots of Clutter Accumulation

Cluttered homes often lead to a cluttered mind, causing stress and anxiety.

So why do we even continue to let clutter accumulate in our lives? What are the causes of clutter ? Let us break it down:


Fear of Missing Out (FOMO):

In today's society, we are constantly bombarded with messages encouraging us to buy more things.

From advertisements to social media influencers, there is an underlying pressure to accumulate material possessions. This consumer culture often leads us to prioritize buying over decluttering, resulting in an even messier physical space.

How many times have you held on to an item because you were afraid of missing out on a potential use for it in the future? Maybe it was a fancy gadget, a trendy outfit, or even that stack of old magazines.

We've all been tempted by those flashy sales or the latest gadgets that promise to make our lives easier. But often, when we buy things impulsively, they end up becoming clutter in our whole house.

The fear of not having something when we need it is often what drives us to hold onto things we don't need.

Before making a purchase, ask yourself if the item is something you truly need and have a designated spot for it in your space.

This will help prevent unnecessary clutter and save you money in the long run.



Another cause of clutter is the inability to make decisions.

As humans, we are often indecisive and tend to put off making choices. This can be especially true when it comes to decluttering.

We may have an emotional attachment to an item or feel guilty about getting rid of something that was a gift. These emotions can make it difficult for us to make decisions about what to keep and what to let go of.

But remember: the more we put off making decisions, the more clutter will accumulate. The longer an item sits in our space, the harder it becomes to let go of it.

The best way to combat this is by setting a timer for a specific amount of time and tackling decluttering in small chunks. This makes it easier to make decisions and stay organized.

By taking small steps and making decisions one by one, decluttering becomes a more manageable task.


Fear of Losing Memories:

We often associate certain items with specific memories or events in our lives. We hold on to items because we fear that letting go of them means losing those memories forever.

As mentioned earlier, our things often hold emotional value. This can be true, especially for items that remind us of loved ones, a family member, special events, or important milestones in our lives.

However, sentimental items can quickly turn into a clutter mountain if not organized and stored properly. Rather than holding onto everything, start developing organizational habits. Try to choose a few key items that hold the most significance to you and display them in a way that brings joy and happiness.

For other items, consider taking photos or journaling about the memories associated with them. This way, you can hold onto the memories while keeping an organized living space.

The truth is that memories live within us and not within material objects.

By making intentional decisions about what we keep, we go beyond stressful life events and we start to create more space for new memories and experiences to come.

Lack of Time or Energy:

Our lives are packed! Sometimes, the mere thought of sorting through stuff feels like another mountain to climb.

Let's face it, decluttering the house can be a tedious and time-consuming part of our daily tasks. Apart from the chores that have to be done each week, and the bills that need to be paid, it requires physical and mental energy. Something which we may not always have after a long day at work or taking care of children.

In today's fast-paced world, we often prioritize tasks that are more urgent or important over decluttering our spaces.

But clutter doesn't go away on its own; it only grows with time. That's why it's essential to make decluttering a regular part of our daily habits.

Clutter buildup adds to the chaos and not having an organizational system in place contributes to the feeling of being stressed and overwhelmed. It may seem like you don't have enough time or energy to declutter, but with small tweaks, investing a little time each day can go a long way in keeping clutter at bay.

Start with small tasks like cleaning out one drawer or going through your emails and unsubscribing from unnecessary subscriptions. These small steps will gradually lead to a more organized life and stress-free space.


Fear of judgment:

Another reason we hold onto clutter is because of the fear of judgment from others.

We may feel insecure about a cluttered home and not want to invite people over because of the mess. This fear can also prevent us from letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose in our lives.

But it's important to remember that everyone is their own unique person, and there's no right or wrong way to organize. We should prioritize our own happiness and well-being over worrying about what others may think of our space.

Instead of focusing on perfection, focus on creating a space that brings you joy in your daily life and reflects your personality.

You are in charge of your living environment, and it's up to you to decide what stays and what goes.


Lack of organizational skills:

Not everyone is born with natural organizational skills. Some people struggle to keep their space tidy and organized, which can lead to clutter buildup.

The lack of organizational skills can also make the decluttering process seem too much as if working on too many things. But just like any skill, organization can be learned and improved upon through practice.

Start by setting aside a specific time each week to declutter and organize your space. This will help you develop good habits and make the task less challenging.

You can also seek inspiration online, from organization experts or friends who have mastered the art of staying organized. There are plenty of resources available to help guide you in creating an organizational system that works for you.


The Risks of Excessive Clutter

Clutter is more than just a pile of things—it can significantly impact the quality of your life.

  • The Negative Impact on an Organized Life
    Living amongst clutter can disrupt the essence of an organized existence. Imagine a desk piled with papers, bills, and random knick-knacks. Finding a single document can become a task in itself, stealing away time that could have been spent productively.

  • The Strain on Our Living Space
    Every item in our home occupies both physical and mental space. That stack of unread magazines isn't just taking up room on your coffee table—it's also a persistent reminder of uncompleted tasks, adding to subconscious stress.

  • Clutter's Role in Adding More Stress to Daily Tasks
    Morning routines can become a frantic search mission, and simple daily tasks turn into lengthy chores when clutter dominates. The time we lose in searching for keys, matching pairs of socks, or locating that specific bill can add unnecessary stress to our already bustling lives.


Decluttering: More than Just Cleaning Up

Now that we’ve unearthed the emotional connections and the causes of clutter, it's time to delve into the 'how' - how can we effectively declutter our lives? Here are some " Daily Habits to Stay Organized " :

One Thing at a Time:

When faced with a mountain of clutter, it's easy to feel like giving up before you even start. Here’s a tip: begin setting up a system to arrange your belongings in one corner of one room. Before you know it, that corner becomes a whole room, and soon enough, your entire house is breathing easier.

Sentiment vs. Sensibility:

It’s okay to hold onto memories, but sometimes we confuse memories with physical items. That seashell from your beach vacation? It’s beautiful, but the memory is in your heart and mind, not just in the shell. It's all about finding the right balance on a daily basis.

Seek Help:

Sometimes, the task of decluttering feels too enormous to tackle alone. This is where a professional organizer can step in, offering expertise and a fresh perspective to help you achieve a clutter free home. They provide a fresh perspective and might help you make decisions when you're on the fence.

Stay Consistent:

Like any habit, consistency is key. Set aside some time, maybe once a month or every weekend, to evaluate and declutter. It’s like taking control and giving your home a mini-refresh regularly.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Don't forget to celebrate the small victories. Maybe you've finally tackled that junk drawer or donated a pile of clothes. Remember, decluttering is a journey and not a destination, so take a moment to acknowledge your progress.

Seeking Professional Help:

Sometimes, the task of decluttering feels too enormous to tackle alone. This is where a professional home organizer can step in, offering expertise and a fresh perspective to eliminate the clutter in your home.

Storage Solutions:

The right storage solutions can be transformative. Think clear storage bins, labeled containers, and intelligent furniture that doubles up as storage units. With everything in its designated place, the home can breathe again.


By now, you might be seeing a pattern. Decluttering isn’t just about the physical space; it’s deeply intertwined with our mental space. A clearer room can often lead to a clearer mind. The act itself becomes almost meditative, allowing for self-reflection and moments of discovery.


Embracing the journey towards a clutter-free life can truly enhance the quality of our day-to-day existence.

It's not just about making space in our homes but also about making space in our hearts and minds for what genuinely matters.

So, start small, be patient with yourself, and celebrate the little victories along the way.

And remember, decluttering is a continuous process that requires consistent effort and self-awareness.

By shining a light on our fears, indecisions, and habits, we can craft a roadmap to tackle them head-on.

Remember, the end goal isn’t a spick-and-span house that looks like a magazine cover (though that's a bonus!). It’s about crafting spaces that feel good and align with our inner peace.

In wrapping up, understanding clutter is a journey, not a destination.

It's about balance, reflection, and occasionally, a bit of tough love. So, the next time you find yourself pondering over an old toy or an outdated dress, think about the feelings they bring. Are they joyous? Nostalgic? Or just plain overwhelming?

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Stay curious, stay balanced, and keep decluttering!


"Remember, You Create The Life You Want!"