DO Well® Blog

How Does Clutter Affect Your Life

Written by DO Well | Sep 30, 2023

Could the clutter in your life be like an unseen current, subtly steering your ship toward uncharted waters?

Listen to the podcast episode, or read below:



" Have you ever wondered how your home somehow magically accumulates clutter? "


It is not a mystery at all.

This common problem stems from our daily routines and sentimental attachments.

Over time. . , our interests change, storage space shrinks, and our living spaces start mirroring the chaos in our minds. 

Every nook and cranny filled with unnecessary items isn't just a backdrop; it tells a story of our inner journey. The overwhelming sight disrupts our peace, making us feel trapped in a whirlpool of chaos.

Clearing this mess is a complex task. This affects our emotions, mental well-being, and sometimes even our sense of peace. 

Dealing with this clutter often feels like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle with pieces scattered everywhere. The constant reminder of unfinished tasks sends our minds 

racing, making it difficult to focus. 

Moreover, tangible risks lurk beneath the surface. . .

Dust becomes that allergen, random objects turn into tripping hazards, and germs thrive in these untouched corners. 

But wait, there's more to that. . . 

Today, we're exploring deeper into the question: "How does clutter really impact your life?"


Where Does All the Mess Come From?

Ever scratched your head wondering why that one corner of your room collects... everything?

Like a black hole. . . where all lost things find their home. But, it's not magic - it’s our daily actions that shape our surroundings.

And then there are those objects. . .  objects we simply can't toss out: that broken toy, an old shirt, or a postcard from five years ago. They might seem meaningless, but they hold memories. 


The Many Shades of Clutter

  • Our Daily Habits: We've all been there. That sweater you casually threw on the couch, the book you said you’d put away later, the empty mug from your morning coffee... before you know it, they all gang up! It's the little delays that give birth to what we call ‘habit clutter’. A day’s delay might seem innocent, but add them up, and you’ve got yourself a mountain.

  • Emotional Souvenirs: You know that teddy bear from your childhood? Or that shirt you wore on a special date? These are memory-laden items. While they tug at our heartstrings, they sometimes become clutter agents. Not all, but some.

  • Hobby Overflow: Ever been so into gardening, painting, or any other hobby that you just kept buying more and more stuff? It’s thrilling! But without organization, our passions can lead to what I dub ‘hobby chaos’.

  • Limited Storage: Picture this: your closet’s bursting and your drawers refuse to shut. Sounds familiar? Without proper spaces or smart storage solutions, our belongings can feel like they’re staging a revolt.

  • Stress Spills: It’s fascinating how our mental state mirrors our physical space. Rough day? You might leave things around. The more cluttered our minds, the more our rooms seem to echo that chaos.


When life overwhelms us, our space often screams chaos. Recognizing the ‘why’ behind our cluttered lives? That's half the battle won.


The Hidden Costs of Clutter 

Now, let’s talk about what this mess is costing us - the true price of our piles. Not just in dollars (though there’s plenty of that), but in peace of mind. Let's explore some of the ways clutter can affect us:


  1. Increased Stress and Anxiety: Living in a cluttered environment can lead to increased stress and anxiety levels. The constant visual reminder of disorder can overwhelm the mind and create a sense of chaos.

  2. Reduced Productivity: Clutter can hinder productivity. When you're surrounded by clutter, it's challenging to focus on tasks at hand. The clutter becomes a distraction, making it difficult to concentrate and complete work efficiently.

  3. Procrastination: Clutter can also promote procrastination. When you have a cluttered space, it's easy to put off tasks and chores, which can lead to even more clutter and a never-ending cycle of procrastination.

  4. Negative Impact on Mental Health: Clutter can negatively affect your mental well-being. It can evoke feelings of guilt, shame, and frustration, especially when you're unable to keep your space tidy. This can contribute to low self-esteem and a sense of being overwhelmed. 

  5. Physical Health Risks: Cluttered spaces can pose physical health risks. Dust and allergens can accumulate on surfaces that are difficult to clean, potentially leading to respiratory issues and allergies. Tripping hazards from scattered items can result in accidents and injuries.

  6. Financial Implications: Clutter can have financial implications as well. People often spend money on storage solutions, extra space, or replacing lost items due to clutter. It's also harder to find and use the things you already own when they're buried in clutter.

  7. Strained Relationships: Clutter can strain relationships, especially if one person in a household is more inclined towards minimalism while another prefers a cluttered environment. Disagreements about clutter can lead to tension and conflict.

  8. Loss of Time: Time is gold, they say. The endless hours we sometimes spend searching for things? That's golden time slipping away. Think of all the work, relaxation, or fun activities you could indulge in. Searching for items in a cluttered space can waste a significant amount of time. It's not uncommon to spend minutes or even hours looking for something that could have been easily found in an organized environment.

  9. Decline in Creativity: A cluttered space can stifle creativity. It's challenging to think creatively when your physical surroundings are in disarray. A clutter-free environment can foster a more creative and inspired mindset.

  10. Impact on Goal Achievement: Clutter can distract you from your long-term goals. When you're constantly dealing with the immediate issue of clutter, it's challenging to focus on and work towards your larger aspirations


An Invitation to Declutter

Exploring the consequences of clutter isn't meant to instill fear but to extend an invitation—an invitation to gain insight, reflect, and ultimately, make a change. 

Decluttering isn't solely about achieving a tidy environment; it's an investment in your mental, physical, and financial health.


Beginning the Decluttering Journey

Here's the good part: you don’t need to flip your life upside down to start decluttering. Baby steps, my friend. A drawer today. . , a shelf tomorrow, and before you know it, you'll witness magic.

Keep in mind, decluttering isn’t about mimicking those perfect homes in magazines. It's about creating a space that sings to your soul. A place where you can breathe, think, and be your best self.

“ Isn't it amazing to think about the power of our surroundings? “

. .  . how a simple act of clearing out make such a huge difference? It’s almost like casting a spell on your home and watching it transform.


The Secret Recipe to a Happier Home

To sum it all up, our space reflects our inner world. And in the act of decluttering, you can discover not just a tidier home, but a clearer, happier mind. 

Until next time, happy decluttering and don’t forget. . Every item  you discard, organize, or share with others brings you one step closer to your own enchanting place.

If today's talk tickled your fancy, I have something special for you. Immerse yourself in practical steps, valuable insights, and a sprinkle  of decluttering magic in the book "Put That Stuff Down 2" - a guide tailored with you in mind. 

Whether you're starting fresh or well into your decluttering journey, this book will be your reliable companion. Click the link below to begin your journey to a clutter-free, fulfilling life.

Why wait? Turn your home into a haven of peace, one cleared corner at a time.


Click Here to Get Your Copy of "Put That Stuff Down 2 "


Remember, You Create The Life You Want