DO Well® Blog

How To Deal With Overwhelming Clutter

Written by DO Well | Oct 28, 2023

Introduction to Overcoming Clutter

Clutter can be defined as a collection of things that are scattered or disorderly. It is something that we all experience in our lives, whether it's in our physical space or digital space. From piles of clothes in the corner of our room to an overflowing inbox, clutter can cause feelings of overwhelm and stress.

In today's fast-paced world where we are constantly bombarded with information and material possessions, it's easy for clutter to accumulate and become overwhelming. However, dealing with clutter doesn't have to be a daunting task. In fact, by following a few simple steps, you can easily overcome overwhelming clutter and create a more organized and peaceful environment.

Story: The Transformation of the Roberts Family: From Chaos to Clarity


The Roberts family was a typical modern family. With two working parents and three young children, their days were filled with juggling work, school, extracurricular activities, and household chores. As time passed, the house became cluttered with toys, books, papers, and other items that seemed to accumulate overnight.

Mrs. Roberts would often feel overwhelmed and stressed out by the constant mess in their home. She longed for a more organized and peaceful space but didn't know where to start. One day while browsing online, she came across an article on dealing with overwhelming clutter. Intrigued, she read on and discovered some helpful tips that completely transformed her family's life.

After implementing the tips mentioned in the article, Mrs. Roberts and her family member were able to declutter their home and create a more organized and calm environment. Their mornings became less chaotic, their stress levels decreased, and they even had more time to spend time together as a family.

The Roberts family's story is just one example of how dealing with overwhelming clutter can have a positive impact on the rest of our lives. Now, let's delve into some practical tips on how to overcome clutter in our own lives.


Identifying the Root Cause

Before we dive into decluttering techniques, it's important to understand the root cause of clutter in our lives. Clutter is often a result of our habits and mindset towards possessions and stuff.

Do you find yourself constantly buying new things without getting rid of old ones? Or do you have a hard time letting go of items because of sentimental value or the fear of needing them in the future? These are just some examples of common habits that can lead to clutter.

By identifying these root causes, we can begin to change our mindset and develop healthier habits towards possessions. This will ultimately help us prevent clutter from accumulating in the first place.


The Emotional Toll of Clutter

Aside from the physical clutter, we also need to address the emotional toll that it can have on us. Clutter can cause feelings of stress, anxiety, and even shame. It can also be a constant source of distraction and make it difficult for us to focus on important tasks.

By acknowledging the emotional impact of clutter, we can better understand why it's important to deal with it and take action towards a little while creating a more peaceful environment for ourselves.

Story: Anna’s Battle with Anxiety: How Clutter Worsened Her Mental Health

Anna was a successful businesswoman, but she had a secret struggle with anxiety. Her work and personal life were both demanding, and she often felt overwhelmed by the constant clutter in her home.

As her anxiety worsened, Anna found it difficult to focus on work tasks and even lost track of important deadlines. She also became increasingly irritable and withdrawn from her friends and family.

After seeking help for her anxiety, Anna realized that decluttering her physical space played a significant role in improving her mental health. As she began to let go of unnecessary items and create a more organized environment, she noticed a significant decrease in her anxiety levels.

By addressing the emotional toll of clutter, we can prioritize its impact on our well-being and take steps toward creating.


Mental Strain Caused by Clutter

In addition to the emotional toll, clutter can also have a significant impact on our mental strain. Studies have shown that visual clutter can decrease our ability to focus and process information effectively.

Therefore, it's important to not only declutter our physical space but also our digital space. Unsubscribe from unnecessary email lists, organize your desktop and phone apps and delete old files or emails that are no longer needed.

By reducing mental clutter, we can free up space in our minds for more important tasks and improve our productivity.

Story: Jake's Struggle: The Constant Distraction of Disarrayed Digital Space

Jake was a college student juggling school, part-time work, and a budding social life. He constantly felt overwhelmed by the notifications on his phone and the endless emails in his inbox.

As a result, he often missed important deadlines or forgot about social events. His grades began to suffer, and he found it difficult to keep up with his responsibilities.

After implementing some strategies for decluttering his digital space, Jake noticed a significant improvement in his productivity and overall well-being. By taking control of his technology usage and organizing his digital space, he was able to feel more focused and less stressed.


Social Impacts of Clutter

Clutter can not only affect us personally but also have an impact on our relationships with others. It can cause tension in households, make it difficult to host guests, and even lead to embarrassment or shame.

By decluttering our homes and creating a more inviting space, we can improve our relationships with family and friends. We may feel more comfortable hosting gatherings or simply spending quality time together without the distraction of clutter.

Story: The Reconciliation of the Johnson Siblings: How Decluttering Brought Them Closer

The Johnson siblings had a strained relationship ever since they moved out of their childhood home. Their parent's passing left them with the task of sorting through their belongings, but they couldn't agree on what to keep and what to get rid of.

Years went by, and the siblings rarely spoke or visited each other. That is until they decided to come together and finally declutter their parents' home. The process was emotionally challenging, but it also brought them closer as they reminisced over old memories and made decisions together.

After decluttering, the siblings were able to let go of past disagreements and reconnect on a deeper level. They realized that the clutter in their childhood home had been a barrier in their relationships, and now with it gone, they could focus on creating new memories together.

Story: Clara's Missed Social Opportunities: The Shame of a Messy Home

Clara loved entertaining friends and family, but her cluttered home made it difficult for her to invite people over. She feared judgment or embarrassment about the state of her living space.

As a result, she missed out on countless social gatherings and felt isolated from those closest to her. Clara's clutter not only affected her personally but also strained some of her most important relationships.

After finally doing how to start decluttering when feeling overwhelmed in her home, Clara felt more confident in inviting others into her space and strengthening those relationships that had been neglected due to the shame of clutter. So, prioritizing decluttering can not only positively impact ourselves but also bring us closer to our loved ones.


The Financial Costs of Clutter

Aside from the emotional and social impacts, clutter can also have financial costs. It may seem like a small cost at first, but over time, the accumulation of unnecessary items can add up.

For example, purchasing storage containers or renting storage units to store excess clutter can become expensive. Additionally, clutter can make it challenging to find important documents or items, leading to additional costs for replacements.

By decluttering and only keeping what we truly need and use, we hope we can save money in the long run and alleviate some financial stress.

Story: Sarah's Wake-Up Call: The Dangers of Impulse Buying

Sarah loved shopping and always had a closet full of clothes she never wore. One day, she stumbled upon an article that explained the true cost of impulse buying and how it can contribute to clutter.

Realizing the financial toll her shopping habits were taking, Sarah made a conscious effort to only purchase items she truly needed and would use. She also decluttered her closet and sold or donated the clothes she never wore, bringing in some extra cash.

Sarah's new mindset not only helped her save money but also reduced stress and guilt over unnecessary purchases. So, by being mindful of our spending habits and decluttering regularly, we can alleviate any potential financial strain caused by clutter.

Story: The Thompsons' Lost Valuables: Buried Treasures in a Sea of Junk

The Thompsons had accumulated so too much stuff and clutter in their home that they couldn't find valuable family heirlooms during the move. In the chaos of packing and decluttering simultaneously, they misplaced important documents and lost precious items.

This experience prompted the Thompsons to prioritize decluttering and maintaining an organized living space. They realized the financial cost of replacing lost or damaged items outweighed the effort required for regular decluttering.

With a clutter-free home, the Thompsons can easily access important documents and treasure valued possessions without fear of losing them. By controlling clutter, we can prevent potential financial losses.

Decluttering has personal benefits, impacting relationships and finances. Taking time to declutter and organize physical and digital spaces enhances overall well-being and creates a positive environment.


Finding Balance: The Importance of Decluttering

While it's essential to recognize the negative impacts of clutter, it's also important to find a healthy balance approach decluttering. Decluttering doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of everything and living in an empty space.

It's about finding a balance between our possessions and our well-being. Keeping what we need, use, and truly value can bring us joy and improve our quality of life.

Story: Jack's Finding Peace: The Journey from Hoarding to Minimalism

Jack had always been a collector, but over time his collections turned into hoarding. His entire home now was filled with items that he couldn't let go of, even though they no longer served any purpose or brought him happiness.

One day, Jack stumbled upon a documentary about minimalism and decided to give it a try. He slowly decluttered his home, letting go of items that he no longer needed or truly valued.

As he simplified his living space, Jack found a sense of peace and clarity that he had been missing before. He learned that material possessions were not the key to happiness and minimalism allowed him to focus on what truly mattered in life.


How to Feel Less Overwhelmed by Clutter

Decluttering can feel like a daunting task, especially when faced with years of accumulated items. However, by breaking it down into smaller tasks and setting realistic goals, it can become more manageable and less overwhelming.

"Start decluttering by tackling one room at a time or even one section of a room. Set aside a specific amount of time each day or week to work on decluttering. This way, you won't feel overwhelmed by trying to do it all at once.

Additionally, consider enlisting the help of friends or family members for support and accountability. And don't forget to celebrate small victories along the way – every item decluttered is progress towards a more organized and peaceful living space.

Story: Maria's Breakthrough: Her Journey to a Minimalist Lifestyle

Maria was overwhelmed by clutter and felt like she could never catch up. But she decided to embrace a minimalist lifestyle. She started small, decluttering one room at a time, and adopting a more mindful approach to purchases.

Simplifying her living space made her happier and less stressed. Now, Maria advocates for minimalism, encouraging others to find their clutter-free path. Taking control of possessions can lead to positive changes in other areas of life.


The 20-Second Courage Rule for Decluttering

Sometimes the hardest part of decluttering is getting started. We may have a strong emotional attachment to our possessions or feel overwhelmed by the task at hand. In these moments, it's important to remember the 20-second courage rule.

The 20-second courage rule means you have a 20-second window to act on something before fear or reasoning kicks in and stops you from doing it. So, next time you hesitate to declutter, remember this rule and take that first step towards a clutter-free life. It may be uncomfortable initially, but the rewards of a simplified and organized space are worth it.

Here is the best approach to apply it, even if you have been overwhelmed for a long time:Story: Tim’s Success: Quick Decisions Lead to Lasting Change

  1. Begin with something simple.

  2. Start by choosing a small area to declutter or tackling an item that you no longer need.

  3. Set a timer for 20 seconds and take action immediately.

Remember, it's not about achieving perfection, perfect house or getting rid of everything we own. It's about finding a balance and creating space for what truly matters in our lives. Let's continue to embrace the journey towards a clutter-free lifestyle and enjoy the benefits of living with purpose.


The Holistic Decluttering Journey

Decluttering is not just about our physical possessions; it also involves our digital spaces, relationships, and mental well-being. The holistic decluttering journey is a proven 4-step process that methodically guides you to declutter your home and life, enabling you to maintain the results for good.

These four steps to decluttering are (1) reducing stress, (2) decluttering the mind by eliminating negative thoughts, (3) decluttering time to enhance efficiency and better manage your calendar, and finally, (4) decluttering physical spaces. These steps work together to create a holistic approach to decluttering and finding balance in all aspects of our lives.

Story: Sarah's Transformation: How Holistic Decluttering Changed Her Life

Sarah felt overwhelmed and stressed in all areas of her life - her home, relationships, and mental well-being. Discovering holistic decluttering, she decided to give it a try.

Following the 4-step process, Sarah experienced significant changes. She felt less stressed, had more time for joyful activities, and found peace in her physical and mental spaces.

Now, Sarah fully embraces the holistic decluttering lifestyle and encourages others to do the same. By taking care of all aspects of our lives and finding balance, we can live more fulfilling and purposeful existences. Let's prioritize decluttering in all areas and strive for a holistic approach to living with less stuff. Our well-being will thank us.

Our relationships can also be cluttered with negative emotions, grudges, or toxic people. Declutter by setting boundaries, letting go of unhealthy relationships and focusing on nurturing positive connections.

Story: Michelle's Spiritual Reawakening: Decluttering Beyond the Physical

Michelle felt empty and dissatisfied despite her minimalist home. She realized her spiritual life was cluttered and needed decluttering too. Through meditation, journaling, and self-reflection, Michelle let go of negativity and embraced gratitude, mindfulness, and spirituality.

Decluttering her spiritual life brought inner peace. Michelle now advocates a holistic approach to decluttering, prioritizing mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being over physical possessions. Balance in all areas leads to a fulfilling existence.


Cultivating the Right Mindset and Taking Action

Decluttering is not just about physical actions – it also requires a shift in mindset. To declutter successfully, we must cultivate an intentional and mindful mindset, one that focuses on gratitude, contentment, and letting go of what no longer serves us.

We often hold onto things out of fear or attachment – whether it's physical possessions or negative thoughts. But by acknowledging these emotions and taking positive action towards decluttering, we can create space for new experiences and opportunities in our lives.

Cultivate the Right Mindset

To cultivate the right mindset for decluttering, we must first understand our intentions and values. What truly matters to us? What do we want more of in our lives? By identifying these values, we can prioritize them and let go of anything that is not aligned with them.

Another essential aspect of cultivating the right mindset is being present and mindful. Often, clutter accumulates when we are not paying attention to what we bring into our lives. By practicing mindfulness, we can make conscious decisions about what enters our physical and mental spaces.

Take Action

Cultivating the right mindset is only one part of the equation – taking action is equally important. Once we have identified our values and priorities, it's time to take action towards decluttering. This can include physical decluttering, setting boundaries in relationships, or letting go of negative thoughts.

Taking action may not always be easy – it may require us to confront difficult emotions or make tough decisions. But by reminding ourselves of our values and staying focused on the bigger picture, we can overcome these challenges and create a more balanced and clutter-free life.


Start Small

Starting small in decluttering means beginning with manageable tasks, making it less overwhelming and more achievable. Instead of organizing an entire house in a day, focus on decluttering a single drawer, one shelf top, or small corner of your room.

Starting small instigates action and avoids procrastination. The Zeigarnik Effect supports this idea, stating that people are more likely to finish tasks they've started. By starting with small tasks, progress is more likely to continue.

The impact of starting small is significant. It not only transforms the physical space but also has noteworthy psychological effects. Each small task brings a sense of achievement, reduces stress, enhances focus, and fosters tranquility.

Over time, these small victories accumulate, improving both physical space and mental well-being.

Starting small is a powerful strategy in the decluttering journey. It fuels initial action, maintains momentum, and leads to a cascade of positive effects beyond the physical realm. Every step, no matter how small, counts in the journey toward a clutter-free life.

Story: Alex’s Weekend Warrior: The Garage Cleanup

Alex had always been a self-proclaimed weekend warrior” when it came to decluttering whole house. Every Saturday, he would spend hours tackling a specific area of his home, determined to create a more organized and clutter-free space.

One weekend, Alex decided to take on the dreaded task of cleaning out his garage. It was filled with old boxes, unused items, and clutter that had accumulated over the years. As he began sorting through everything, memories flooded back some good and some not so pleasant.

But as Alex continued with the cleanup, he noticed something interesting happening – not only was his garage becoming more organized and spacious, but he also found himself feeling more focused and at peace. He realized that by letting go of physical clutter, he was also freeing himself from mental clutter.


Choose One Small Project at a Time

"Choose One Small Project at a Time" emphasizes the importance of focusing on a single task or project, rather than juggling multiple. This strategy helps maintain focus, reduce stress, and enhance effectiveness by allocating resources and energy to one aspect at a time.

It aligns with the principle of starting small, allowing you to tackle tasks in a systematic, manageable way.

In the context of decluttering, "Choose One Small Project at a Time" involves selecting one area of your home to declutter and organize before moving on to the next. This single piece could be a drawer, a cupboard, a dining room table or a room, depending on what feels manageable.

By focusing on one small project at a time, you can experience the satisfaction of completing each task, a positive thing which motivates you to continue. This strategy contributes to the physical transformation of your space and fosters a sense of achievement and empowerment on your decluttering journey.

Story: Kim's Drawer: How One Small Space Made a Big Difference

Kim struggled to keep her drawers organized. No matter how many times she decluttered, they became messy again. So, she joined the DO Well® decluttering challenge. As she emptied her drawer, Kim realized how so much stuff and unnecessary stuff she had.

Letting go and neatly arranging what remained brought her a sense of lightness and control. This motivated her to declutter other areas of her home. By tackling one small project at a time, Kim experienced the positive effects of her decluttering plan.

It transformed her space and boosted her well-being. When she shared her breakthrough with the group, her enthusiasm and pride were palpable. She had finally started her decluttering goals.


Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Clutter

In conclusion, decluttering and organizing your space can have a significant impact on your mental health and overall well-being. By embracing minimalism and adopting strategies such as starting small and choosing one small project at a time, you can effectively break down the daunting task of decluttering into manageable steps.

Remember, each small step counts as one thing towards creating a clutter-free space that promotes calmness, focus, and productivity.

So why not start today by decluttering just one area or one drawer here? You never know - it could be the beginning of a life-changing journey towards minimalism and intentional living.

So don't wait any longer – take control of your cluttered space and experience the transformative power of decluttering for yourself. Your future


Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Responses and Expert Insights

Q: What is the 20-Second Courage Rule for Decluttering?

A: The 20-Second Courage Rule for Decluttering is a strategy that involves taking one small step towards decluttering, even if it feels uncomfortable or challenging.

It encourages individuals to push through initial resistance and take action for at least 20 seconds – the time it usually takes for motivation to kick in.

Expert Insight: "The 20-Second Courage Rule can be a game-changer for individuals struggling with decluttering. By taking that first small step, you are already breaking down barriers and building momentum towards your goal." - Decluttering Expert ~Valerie Huard

Q: How do I stay motivated while decluttering?

A: Staying motivated during the decluttering process can be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can try:

  • Break down your decluttering tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

  • Set achievable goals and reward yourself when you reach them.

  • Take breaks and don't overwhelm yourself with too much at once.

  • Surround yourself with supportive friends or join a decluttering challenge or group for accountability and motivation.

Expert Insight: "Staying motivated during decluttering requires finding what works best for you. Some people prefer to have a set schedule, while others may work better by tackling small projects as they arise. Experiment and find what motivates you the most." Decluttering Expert, Professional Organizer and Mindfulness Coach ~Valerie Huard

Q: How do I deal with sentimental items?

A: Sentimental items can be challenging to let go of, but it's essential to evaluate their true significance and whether they bring joy or serve a purpose in your life now.

You could try taking photos of sentimental items to preserve the memories without always keeping track of the physical object or identify a designated area for displaying sentimental items instead of storing them away.

Q: What is the Holistic Decluttering Journey?

A: The Holistic Decluttering Journey is a four-step process that helps you to declutter your stress, mind, time, and space. This process helps you to take control of your clutter and create a more organized and peaceful environment.

It involves identifying triggers, practicing self-awareness and mindfulness, letting go of physical and mental clutter, and creating sustainable habits for maintaining a clutter-free life.

Expert Insight: "The Holistic Decluttering Journey is not just about decluttering your physical space. It's about understanding the underlying causes of clutter in all areas of your life and implementing practical strategies to create lasting change." Decluttering Expert, Professional Organizer and Mindfulness Coach ~Valerie Huard

Q: How Can I Feel Less Overwhelmed by Clutter?

A: Feeling overwhelmed by clutter can be a difficult experience. To help reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed, try to focus on one task at a time and break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Additionally, try to emotionally detach yourself from the clutter and focus on the end goal of having a more organized and peaceful environment.

Q: What are the Social Impacts of Clutter?

A: Clutter can hurt your social life. It can make it difficult to invite people over, as it can be embarrassing to have a cluttered home. Additionally, clutter can cause stress and anxiety, which can make it difficult to be social and interact with others.

Q: What is the Mental Strain Caused by Clutter?

A: Clutter can cause mental strain in many ways. It can be distracting and make it difficult to focus on tasks. Additionally, it can cause stress, worry and anxiety, which can lead to difficulty sleeping and other mental health issues.

Q: What is the Financial Cost of Clutter?

A: Clutter can be costly in many ways. It can lead to wasted time and energy, as it can be difficult to find items when they are cluttered. Additionally, it can lead to wasted money, as it can be difficult to keep track of items and you may end up buying items that you already have.

Q: How Can I Take Control of My Clutter?

A: Taking control of your clutter can be a difficult process, but it is possible. Start by creating a plan, a to do list and breaking it down into smaller tasks. Additionally, try to emotionally detach yourself from the clutter and focus on the end goal