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What Is Trauma? Effects, Causes, Types, and How to Heal

Written by DO Well | Oct 18, 2023

What Is the True Definition of Trauma?

Trauma is often misunderstood. It goes beyond physical injury or accidents. It includes emotional wounds and psychological experiences that profoundly affect our lives.

Trauma is our emotional response to distressing events that overwhelm our ability to cope. It is subjective, with effects varying from person to person due to unique experiences.

What Are the Types of Trauma?

There are many types of trauma that a person can experience. Here are a few examples:

  1. Acute trauma: often resulting from a singular distressing event like a car accident or natural disaster, can have a profound impact on individuals.
  2. Chronic Trauma: Unlike acute trauma, this type of trauma is ongoing and can be caused by long-term stressors like abuse or neglect.
  3. Complex Trauma: This type of trauma is a combination of both acute and chronic trauma, often stemming from repeated abuse or neglect during childhood.
  4. Developmental Trauma: This refers to the impact of early life experiences on a person's development and can lead to challenges in emotional regulation and relationships. Such as childhood trauma.
  5. Secondary Trauma: Also known as vicarious trauma, this occurs when an individual is exposed to the traumatic experiences of others, such as healthcare workers or first responders.

These are just a few examples of the types of trauma that exist. It's important to recognize that each person's experience with trauma is unique and may overlap with different types at varying degrees.


How Does Trauma Affect Us?

Trauma can have a profound impact, traumatic stress, on our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. The entire nervous system is under increased tensions. Some common effects of trauma include:

  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, or fatigue
  • Emotional responses like fear, sadness, anger, or numbness
  • Changes in behavior such as avoidance or self-destructive habits
  • Difficulty with relationships and trust
  • Negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself or the world
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Flashbacks or nightmares related to the traumatic event(s)

These effects can vary in severity and duration, depending on the each individual's ability, and their unique experience with trauma.

It's also important to note that not everyone who experiences trauma will develop these symptoms, but it's common for trauma to have a lasting impact on one person's ability to life.


What Are the Trauma Responses?

When experiencing trauma, our bodies and minds can respond in various ways. Some common responses to trauma include:

  • Fight, where we feel angry and may have an urge to confront the source of the trauma
  • Flight, where we feel anxious and may want to escape or avoid the source of the trauma
  • Freeze, where we feel paralyzed and unable to act or think clearly
  • Fawn, where we try to please or appease the source of the trauma in hopes of avoiding harm

Knowing these responses can help us understand and manage our reactions to trauma. It's important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to respond to trauma and everyone copes experienced trauma differently.

What matters most is finding healthy ways to have healthy relationships, cope and seek support when needed.


How Does a Trauma Response Occur?

When we experience trauma, our bodies and minds become more alert, known as the "fight or flight" response.

Stress hormones are released, preparing the brain responsible for us to react quickly in dangerous situations. While helpful in protecting ourselves, it takes time for our bodies and minds to return to a calm state once danger has passed.

This is why we may still experience trauma symptoms. Understanding trauma responses helps us manage reactions.

Give yourself time to process traumatic experiences instead of pushing it away.


What Is a Traumatized Person Like?

A traumatized person may experience a wide range of emotions and behaviors, depending on their individual response to the trauma. Some common characteristics or reactions adverse childhood experiences that may be seen in traumatized individuals include:

  • Hypervigilance and constantly feeling on edge
  • Avoiding situations or triggers related to the trauma
  • Difficulty sleeping or experiencing nightmares
  • Flashbacks or intrusive thoughts

What Causes Trauma?

Trauma can be caused by a wide range of events and experiences. These can include:

  • Physical or sexual abuse
  • Neglect or abandonment
  • Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods
  • Accidents
  • Witnessing violence or death
  • War or conflict

How Can We Help Someone Who Is Experiencing Trauma?

If someone you know is going through trauma, you can support them by:

  • Listening without judgment and providing a safe space.
  • Encouraging professional help if needed.
  • Offering practical assistance with overwhelming tasks.
  • Respecting their boundaries and allowing them to heal at their own pace.
  • Educating yourself on trauma to better understand their experience.

Remember, everyone's journey is unique. Show compassion and let them know they're not alone.

Together, we can create a safe environment for healing and recovery.


What Does Being Traumatized Mean?

Trauma is the result of distressing events that can have lasting adverse effects on mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It causes fear, helplessness, depression, and changes in behavior, thoughts, and emotions.

Trauma can affect anyone and be caused by various events like natural disasters, accidents, violence, and sexual or physical abuse.


What Is a Trauma Response?

A trauma response is how an individual reacts to a traumatic event. It can include intense physical, emotional, and behavioral reactions that may be unpredictable.

Common responses include flashbacks, avoidance of triggers, hyperarousal, and numbing of emotions. These responses are natural ways of coping and vary from trauma informed person to person.


Is a Trauma Response Equivalent to PTSD?

No - A trauma response is not the same as post traumatic stress disorder.

While PTSD is a specific diagnosis that requires meeting certain criteria and a diagnosis by a mental health professional, trauma responses can occur in individuals who have experienced traumatic events without meeting the criteria for PTSD.


What Are the 3 Different Types of Trauma?

There are three main types of trauma: acute, chronic, and complex. Acute trauma refers to a single traumatic event bodily injury that has occurred recently, such as a car accident or natural disaster.

Chronic trauma refers to ongoing or repeated exposure to traumatic events over an extended period of time, such as living in a war zone or being in an abusive relationship. Complex trauma refers to prolonged exposure to


What Does Trauma Feel Like?

Trauma can manifest differently for each individual. Some common feelings and experiences include fear, anxiety, hypervigilance (being constantly on high alert), flashbacks or intrusive memories, avoidance of triggers or reminders, hyperarousal (feeling constantly on edge), emotional numbness, and more.


What Is the Basic Explanation of Trauma?

Trauma is the body and mind's response to distressing or life-threatening physical injuries or events. It's a natural reaction that can't be controlled or prevented.

Traumatic events encompass a range of experiences, such as physical and emotional trauma, sexual abuse, natural disasters, accidents, acts of war, and witnessing violence. They can cause various emotional, physical, and psychological symptoms.


How Does Trauma Affect Health-Risk Behaviors?

Trauma can have a significant impact on an individual's health-risk behaviors. This includes behaviors that may be harmful to their physical or mental well-being, such as substance abuse, self-harm, and risky sexual behavior.

Traumatic experiences of sexual assault can lead to individuals engaging in these behaviors as a way to cope with the emotional pain they are experiencing.

Given the profound impact of trauma, it's crucial to equip ourselves with the right tools and knowledge to navigate these difficult experiences. Introducing "Put That Stuff Down 2," a bestselling book that offers practical tips, insights, and strategies to deal with trauma. Take the first step towards reclaiming your life and grab a copy now.



National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Link

National Institute of Mental Health: Link

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Link


Remember, You Create The Life You Want