DO Well® Blog

Does Trauma Ever Go Away: Understanding the Long-Term Healing Process

Written by DO Well | Nov 29, 2023

Trauma is an often misunderstood yet deeply ingrained aspect of human experience, affecting countless individuals in various ways. The question of “does trauma go away?” is a compelling one, as it touches upon the very heart of our capacity for healing and resilience. In this exploration, we embark on a journey to better comprehend the long-term healing process and uncover the tools and insights necessary to find solace and strength in the face of adversity.


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Key Takeaways

  • Trauma can have a lasting impact on an individual’s mental health, requiring the need for professional help and coping strategies.

  • The journey towards recovery involves recognizing trauma, cultivating healthy relationships and developing resilience against future trauma.

  • With guidance and support, individuals can overcome the effects of trauma to lead a balanced life.


Our understanding of trauma has evolved considerably over the years, but its impact on mental, emotional, and physical well-being cannot be overstated. From childhood trauma to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and beyond, the manifestations of trauma can be as diverse as the individuals who experience it, including child traumatic stress.

This blog post tackles the complexities and nuances of trauma, addressing the question: Can trauma ever fully go away, and if not, how can one manage its lasting effects?


Understanding Trauma

At its core, trauma is an emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event, such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, or a traumatic event like experienced trauma in the form of physical or sexual abuse. However, trauma can also manifest in the form of emotional or psychological difficulties, often stemming from childhood experiences of neglect or violence, leading to traumatic reactions.

The ability to identify the signs of trauma significantly helps in providing compassionate care and support to those who have experienced traumatic events. Symptoms can include:

  • Emotional flashbacks

  • Intrusive recollections

  • Avoidance of certain situations

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Feelings of emotional detachment

Comprehending the different ways trauma can manifest helps in effectively assisting individuals on their path towards healing and recovery.


The Impact of Trauma on Mental Health

Trauma can have a profound impact on mental health, potentially leading to the development of conditions such as PTSD, particularly in cases of domestic violence or child abuse. The link between trauma and mental health is further compounded by the complex nature of traumatic memories, which are often fragmented and disorganized. Seeking mental health services can be a crucial step in addressing these issues.

These memories can be more intense and vivid than regular memories, making it difficult for those with PTSD to form a coherent narrative about their traumatic experiences.

The Nature of Traumatic Memories

Traumatic memories possess certain characteristics that set them apart from regular memories. They include:

  • Vivid representations involving sensory impressions

  • Complex experiences consisting of multiple stimuli and responses

  • Enhanced memories that are particularly persistent due to their traumatic nature

These memories are stored in the brain differently than normal memories and can have a substantial effect on mental health.

The phenomenon of repressed or forgotten traumatic memories can be explained by the brain’s psychological defense mechanisms, which protect the individual from the emotional distress associated with the trauma. However, the recovery of these repressed memories is a complex and controversial topic in psychology.

Traumatic memories can also impact cognitive processes and decision-making by influencing emotional reactions, biases, and the capacity to accurately assess risks and benefits.

The Role of Time in Healing

Healing from trauma is a process that requires time, effort, and patience. There is no predetermined timeframe for how long it takes to heal, as the journey is unique to each individual. Factors such as genetic differences, medical history, and individual experiences can all affect the healing timeline.

The severity of the trauma can also influence the healing timeline. Research has shown that factors such as injury severity, pre-injury health status, and age can be associated with a more challenging recovery. Healing can span weeks, months, or even years, with setbacks often encountered along the way.

It is important to remember that healing is not a linear process, and the duration of trauma exposure may influence the length of the healing journey.


Navigating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Living with PTSD can be an arduous journey, filled with challenges and obstacles that must be navigated in order to achieve healing and recovery. PTSD can be triggered by various stimuli in our internal or external environment, making it essential to cultivate coping skills and seek professional help to manage the symptoms.

Identifying the signs and symptoms of PTSD enables individuals to comprehend their emotional reactions and start developing strategies to manage their triggers. Self-care and relaxation techniques can be particularly beneficial in managing anxiety, stress, and PTSD symptoms.

Recognizing Symptoms of PTSD

It is important to recognize the common symptoms of PTSD, such as:

  • Flashbacks of the trauma

  • Changes in mood

  • Nightmares

  • Panic attacks

These symptoms can impact daily life and functioning, making it essential to seek support from mental health professionals who are experienced in treating trauma.

Recognizing triggers can lead to a better understanding of emotional reactions, making them more valid, predictable, and less overwhelming. This, in turn, can have a positive effect on an individual’s mood and general well-being.

Seeking Professional Help

Seeking professional help for PTSD is of utmost importance, as it can provide the necessary guidance and support to help individuals manage their symptoms and work towards recovery. Treatment options for PTSD may include psychotherapy, medications, and lifestyle changes.

A mental health professional can provide assistance in identifying and coping with PTSD triggers. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing are psychotherapy approaches that can be utilized to address PTSD triggers.


The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Life

Childhood trauma, often referred to as child trauma, whether it be physical or sexual abuse, neglect, or exposure to violence, can have a lasting impact on adult life. The long-term effects of childhood trauma can manifest in various ways, including difficulties in establishing healthy relationships and ongoing physical reactions and symptoms.

The healing process for childhood trauma is complex, requiring time, effort, and support. By acknowledging the signs of trauma, seeking professional help, and cultivating coping strategies, individuals can strive for recovery and begin to rebuild their lives.

Establishing Healthy Relationships

Individuals who have experienced childhood trauma may face challenges in forming healthy relationships, such as feelings of insecurity, mistrust, and fear of abandonment. They may also struggle to trust and communicate openly with others, as well as express their needs and feelings.

Childhood trauma can also impact one’s choice of a romantic partner, affecting their feelings towards:

  • closeness

  • intimacy

  • vulnerability

  • dependency on others

These experiences can shape their inner world and influence their perception and participation in relationships with others.

Coping with Physical Reactions and Symptoms

Typical physical reactions and symptoms of childhood trauma in adulthood can include:

  • Somatic complaints such as stomachaches and headaches

  • Insomnia and sleep problems

  • Immune system impairment

  • Fatigue

  • Pain symptoms

  • Physical ailments like muscle tension

Implementing healthy coping mechanisms like art, music, meditation, relaxation, and spending time in nature can be beneficial in managing these physical reactions and symptoms.

Exercise has also been proven to be beneficial in managing the physical symptoms of childhood trauma, improving mood, teaching the nervous system to be more flexible and rebound from activation, and gradually building physical resilience. Relaxation techniques can likewise be helpful in decreasing tension and anxiety in the body, allowing individuals to more effectively manage their physical responses to trauma.

Utilizing a Holistic Approach to Healing

Recovering from trauma is not a linear process and it requires a comprehensive, holistic approach for truly effective healing. This means not only addressing the immediate symptoms but also focusing on the overall well-being of the individual.

A holistic approach to healing from trauma involves addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of an individual's health. This could include methods such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep to improve physical health. It also means addressing mental health through techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and decluttering.

In addition, dealing with the stress associated with trauma is a crucial part of the healing process. Stress can exacerbate trauma symptoms and hinder recovery, so learning effective stress management techniques is essential. This could involve practices such as yoga, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation, all of which have been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Equipping individuals with these techniques not only helps in managing the current symptoms but also prepares them for the next stages of their recovery journey. By learning to effectively manage stress and cultivate resilience, individuals are better prepared to face future challenges and continue their journey towards healing.

This holistic approach to healing from trauma recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of health and emphasizes the importance of addressing all these areas for a comprehensive recovery. It empowers individuals to take an active role in their healing process and equips them with the tools they need to navigate their journey towards recovery.


The Journey Towards Emotional Healing

Recovering from trauma is an individualized process that involves acknowledging the trauma, cultivating coping skills, and seeking professional assistance. Each person’s journey towards emotional healing will be unique, and it is essential to recognize that healing is achievable and that the path to recovery varies.

The healing process may include seeking professional help , ultimately guiding the individual towards a better understanding of their experiences and a path to healing.

Developing Coping Skills

Developing coping skills is significant for managing trauma-related emotions and reactions, as it helps individuals regulate their emotions more effectively, evade triggers, and improve their ability to confront distressing experiences. Some effective coping skills that can be incorporated into one’s life include cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques, mindfulness practices, and self-care activities.

Regular physical exercise has been shown to be beneficial in managing trauma-related emotions and reactions, by reducing stress and providing a protective shield against it. Furthermore, exercise can incrementally enhance physical resilience, which can assist in mitigating the consequences of trauma.

The Influence of External Factors

External factors such as cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, medication, and prior traumatic experiences can all impact the recovery process following trauma. Social support systems can play a vital role in an individual’s healing journey, helping to restore resilience, manage the traumatic experience, and motivate survivors in their own recovery.

The environment where an individual resides and recovers can significantly influence trauma recovery. Establishing a safe and supportive environment is essential for individuals to feel secure and initiate the healing process. Furthermore, societal understanding and stigma can have a significant impact on trauma survivors’ recovery process. Creating a supportive and empathetic atmosphere for trauma survivors is crucial to facilitating their healing journey.


Coping Strategies for Managing Trauma

To control the effects of trauma, incorporating healthy coping mechanisms into one’s life is important. Practices such as mindfulness, exercise, decluttering, and creative outlets like art or music can help individuals navigate their emotional landscape and find balance in the face of adversity.

Other helpful strategies for managing trauma may include:

  • Journaling

  • Consulting with a therapist or support group

  • Engaging in self-care activities such as obtaining adequate rest, consuming a balanced diet, and taking time for oneself

These practices, including dialectical behavior therapy, can provide a sense of stability and control in the face of traumatic experiences, ultimately contributing to a healthier and happier life.


Building Resilience Against Future Trauma

Resilience is the ability to adjust and recover from tough or challenging situations, maintaining mental and physical wellness amid stress or adversity. Developing resilience can be achieved through various approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and self-care. Building strong social support networks and engaging in activities that bolster self-esteem can also contribute to the development of resilience.

Constructing resilience can be achieved through:

  • Engaging in constructive self-talk

  • Establishing achievable objectives

  • Dedicating time to relaxation and self-care

  • Expressing gratitude

  • Concentrating on the positive elements of life


In conclusion, while trauma can have a lasting impact on an individual’s life, the path to recovery is unique for each person and can vary in duration and intensity. As discussed throughout this blog post, understanding the various forms and impacts of trauma, as well as numerous coping strategies and resources available to aid in the healing process is vital.

As for the question of " will trauma ever go away ? ", we will answers that with " it depends". And I know it might be an unpopular opinion but I think this is it. It depends.

In overcoming trauma, using the right tools makes a difference. These tools include therapeutic techniques, support networks, self-care practices, and resources to understand and manage trauma's impact. They provide a framework for healing, helping individuals regain control and navigate the path to recovery. There's a difference between overcoming the trauma and the trauma totally going away. The trauma goes away when you quit that victim identity and you don't allow trauma to become yourself.

With patience, determination, and the right support, it is possible to overcome the lingering effects of trauma and move forward to a brighter, more hopeful future. Overcoming trauma is possible, don’t forget that. You are not by yourself in this journey.


Call to Action

We invite you to read more of our content related to the relationship between clutter and trauma. For further reading and resources on trauma and recovery, please explore our other blog posts and articles. If you wish to explore a 4-step holistic decluttering approach to trauma just click here.


This blog post has explored the complexities of trauma and its impact on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. We have discussed coping strategies, the importance of seeking professional help, and the role of resilience in the face of adversity. With time, effort, and support, healing is possible for those who have experienced trauma. Together, we can work towards a brighter future and a higher quality of life for all.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for trauma to go away?

Healing from trauma is an individual process that can take weeks, months, or even years, and setbacks are to be expected. It's important to remember that healing is not linear.

How do you release past trauma?

Releasing past trauma can be difficult, but seeking help from a trained counselor or trying strategies like cognitive processing therapy, prolonged exposure therapy, EMDR, somatic experience, certain types of talk therapy, and healthy activities that help with self-expression can make the process more manageable.

How do you calm down after trauma trigger?

Focus on your breathing, vent and process the situation with someone you trust, use relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, express your feelings as they arise, and practice grounding techniques. These are all simple yet effective ways to help yourself cope and calm down after a traumatic trigger.

What is the relationship between trauma and mental health?

Trauma can have a substantial and lasting impact on one's mental health, potentially leading to conditions such as PTSD, particularly in cases of domestic violence.

How can I recognize the signs and symptoms of PTSD?

Recognizing the signs of PTSD can be difficult, but commonly include flashbacks of the trauma, changes in mood, nightmares, and panic attacks. Keeping an eye out for these symptoms can help identify PTSD.