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You Can Only Achieve What you Believe : Clutter and Trauma Transformation

Written by DO Well | Jan 10, 2024

Turning clutter and trauma into transformative growth is challenging yet possible.

Listen to the podcast episode, or read below:



Are you seeking a path to navigate through the shadows of trauma and emerge into the light of transformation?

This article offers a straightforward roadmap. You will learn practical approaches and draw on the power of resilience to redefine your journey post-trauma. No overpromises, just genuine steps and resources to facilitate your growth and reduce emotional distress as you forge a new path of empowerment.


Key Takeaways

  • Embracing a growth mindset and positive self-belief can powerfully transform trauma into personal evolution and increased productivity.

  • The Achievement Cycle is a structured approach to tackling emotional pain, beginning with setting goals, taking action, assessing progress, and making necessary adjustments for achievement and growth.

  • There are various support systems and resources such as coaching programs, therapy programs, mindset coaching, and literature available to guide individuals on their journey of decluttering their minds and overcoming trauma.


Emotional healing involves addressing painful experiences, altering beliefs, and reducing self-criticism, leading to increased productivity. This transformative process is always within reach, provided one stays receptive and flexible during their emotional healing journey. It focuses on empowering individuals through valuable insights and effective strategies, fostering emotional growth.

Post-traumatic growth revolves around personal evolution and the positive shifts that can follow a traumatic event. This process catalyzes significant self-discovery and fosters a growth mindset, by turning trauma into opportunities for positive transformation.

Imagine the journey of decluttering your own life and mind for personal growth. It’s about:

  • Embracing the moment

  • Being less of a critical person and more of a productive person

  • Making lifestyle changes

  • Managing stress

  • Moving forward

  • Thinking about the power of your own beliefs

  • Developing cognitive techniques

  • Gaining perspective

Remember, only you have the power to make all the difference in your life.


The Power of Beliefs

Belief is a powerful tool in any transformation. Embracing the power of belief can transform your fixed mindset from victim to hero. This shift can have a huge influence on your actions and accomplishments, empowering you to believe in your ability to initiate positive change and transform trauma.

How would it feel to overcome those limiting beliefs that have held you back?

... seriously, stop and think about it ...


Changing your negative self-talk can bring about an immediate shift in mindset, filling your day with more energy and positivity. With consistent practice, this can greatly enhance your personal well-being and lead to better decision-making, paving the way for significant improvements in both your professional and personal life.

Embracing positive thinking and practicing self-compassion fuels your drive to take action, as it directs your focus towards your potential and capabilities instead of obstacles. To practice self compassion and swiftly alter your mindset, immerse yourself in the subject through books, podcasts, or seek guidance from a coaching expert in mindset resets. These resources provide diverse strategies that can help you foster a positive mindset and support sustained emotional growth and achievement.


The Achievement Cycle: From Pain to Pride

The achievement cycle, a potent framework, comprises four stages:

  1. Aim: Set goals and make decisions to push through emotional pain.

  2. Act: Initiate action and face fears.

  3. Assess: Assess progress and make adjustments.

  4. Adjust: Tweak strategies to realize objectives.

The achievement cycle allows individuals to set goals, initiate action, assess progress, and adjust strategies to realize their objectives, thereby aiding their healing journey. This journey helps in shaping character and building courage. The emotional phases encountered in the journey towards achieving goals play a significant role in the overall transformation process.

When we achieve positive results independently, we get to experience the amazing emotions of joy and pride. Moreover, the feeling of pride is often linked to achieving and upholding social achievement values. It’s truly a rewarding experience, especially after experiencing emotional distress.


Focusing Energy Towards Goals

Channeling energy towards clear and meaningful goals is a potent psychological strategy. It not only aids in maintaining focus but also triggers new behaviors, fostering a positive outlook on life and helping one become a less self abusive person, reducing self-abusive tendencies.

Focusing your effort and attention on a singular goal can bring a sense of purpose, organization, and drive to your life, ultimately enhancing your emotional health. It’s like focusing the diffuse light of a flashlight into a powerful laser beam that can cut through steel.

For mindset transformation, delve into relevant literature, listen to podcasts, or consult a mindset coaching expert. These resources offer varied strategies to cultivate a positive mindset, thus facilitating sustained emotional growth and accomplishment.


Programs for Elevating Mental State from Trauma

In the journey of emotional healing, you’re not alone. There are online programs combined with methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which offer effective strategies for emotional healing, others known for successfully treating conditions like PTSD and other mental health issues by empowering people to challenge negative thought patterns and better manage their symptoms.

These programs are not just theories—they work. Take Linda’s incredible journey for example. With the help of a professional coach, she completely transformed his mindset and reengaged with his business, saved his company, and deepened his connections with the people in his life. Thanks to coaching, she found a mentor who guided him to success with proven strategies, even while dealing with anxiety disorder.

Embracing support from your community and actively participating in psychotherapy or group counseling can truly elevate your mental state and aid in emotional healing from trauma, leading to less emotional distress. It’s about transforming painful life experiences into a journey of growth and discovery, helping you experience emotional distress less frequently.


Decluttering Your Life and Mind for Better Focus and Achievement

Clearing your life and mind of clutter is pivotal for improved focus, as it eliminates distractions, unnecessary complexities, and restrictive beliefs. This simplification allows you to direct your energy and attention more effectively towards your goals and achievements.

The first practical step is to write down a routine and stick to it for a few weeks to form a new habit. This will establish a framework within which decluttering efforts can be more effectively structured and executed, ultimately reducing more emotional distress. To create a powerful decluttering checklist, start small and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Prioritize areas of your life and surroundings that need decluttering and identify actionable steps to tackle them.

Cultivating a decluttered state of mind is all about embracing quality sleep and integrating meditation into your routine. These practices will empower your mind, allowing you to focus on your goals and tasks with clarity and purpose, ultimately reducing emotional distress.


Embracing Change and Breaking Free from Trauma

Accepting change is a vital step in overcoming trauma, enabling individuals to accept differences in feelings and self, thus fostering healing and personal growth. It offers an opportunity for personal development and resilience, making it an integral part of the healing journey.

Personal transformation is the key to unlocking your potential and overcoming trauma. It promotes:

  • Growth

  • Strength

  • New possibilities

  • Improved relationships

  • A greater appreciation for life

It’s your path to resilience and empowerment.

Embracing change involves grounding yourself in the present moment and noticing patterns in how you react to change, which can help you develop a more positive approach to transformations in life. You can take positive steps toward change by actively seeking personal growth, being open to new experiences, and taking practical actions that align with your goals for transformation.


Empowerment and Transformation: Key Messages

Let’s revisit the principal messages on empowerment and transformation. The path to emotional healing begins with:

  • acknowledging one’s trauma

  • promising to turn it into positive evolution and self-discovery

  • accepting change

  • liberating yourself from trauma

  • purging your life and mind of clutter for enhanced focus and achievement.

Believe in the power of belief in influencing your actions and achievements. Focus your energy towards a clear goal that has purpose and meaning. Embrace the achievement cycle from pain to pride. And remember, there are various programs available to elevate your mental state from trauma.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. There are resources and support available to you. So, continue to explore and learn, and take control of your healing journey.


Additional Reading and Resources for Further Exploration

If you’re looking to delve deeper into the journey of emotional healing, there are several resources available for you. Check on this list:

  • Featured Book: "Put That Stuff Down 2"

Explore this insightful book for an in-depth understanding of decluttering not just physical spaces, but also the mind and life. This book offers practical advice and strategies for those looking to make meaningful changes in their lives. Integrate the principles and techniques from "Put That Stuff Down 2" into daily life for effective trauma recovery and personal development.

  • Post Trauma Secrets & Decluttering Podcast

    Hosted by wellness and decluttering experts Valerie Huard and JM Tetreault, the Post Trauma Secrets and Decluttering Podcast brings you on a journey from trauma to Joie de vivre! Like going on a vacation, you may be stressed and excited at the same time. You will enjoy every moment, try new things, discover new places, and still have time to relax. That decluttering journey will give you all the secrets you need to simplify your life by reducing your stress, decluttering your mind, organizing your space and getting control over your time so that you can create the life you want.

  • The Holistic Decluttering Program

    If you want help to implement the 4-Step Holistic Decluttering process in your life, visit this page:

These resources offer inspiring stories and actionable tips for healing from trauma.

Remember, this is your journey. You have the power to transform your trauma into positive change and self-discovery. Keep learning, keep growing, and keep moving forward.



To wrap things up, it’s essential to remember that transforming trauma is not about erasing or forgetting your past experiences. It’s about acknowledging them, learning from them, and using them as a stepping stone towards growth and self-discovery. Your journey towards emotional healing is unique to you, and it’s a journey that requires patience, commitment, and belief in the power of transformation.

The journey of emotional healing is a journey of courage, resilience, and triumph. It’s about becoming a less self-abusive person and more of a productive person. It’s about transforming your pain into pride, your trauma into triumph, and your fear into freedom. Remember, you have the power to transform your life, and the journey starts now.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is transformational trauma?

Transformational trauma occurs when a person experiences a sudden, involuntary, and frightening event that disconnects them from their sense of safety, coping skills, and support, leading to significant emotional impact. It can be a challenging experience, but with support and resilience, healing is possible.

How does trauma transform a person?

Trauma can often lead to post-traumatic growth, where individuals develop greater inner strength, improved coping abilities, and a new appreciation for life. They may also experience positive transformations in their relationships and spiritual outlook.

How do you release trauma from your body?

To release trauma from your body, you can practice yoga, meditation, journaling, and self-care. Acknowledging and addressing difficult emotions is also important. Try incorporating these practices into your daily routine to help release trauma and promote healing.

What is a personal growth journey?

A personal growth journey is an ongoing process that can lead to increased self-awareness and a more fulfilling life. Embracing change and challenging yourself to grow can help unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself.